Angel without wings

D's Dailys
Feb 3, 2021
Photo by Julian Hanslmaier on Unsplash

You appeared from nowhere, without an address.

I didn’t know your name, but it wasn’t important because your appearance gave a name to everything in this room.

You impressed so strongly that everybody was without breath.

I couldn’t say what was so special about you.

Obviously, your beauty was one attracting point, but not the only thing. It was how you smoothly and gently strode through the room, how you smiled, how you deeply looked in the eyes of your discussing partners and how you showed you were ready to listen consciously to them.

How you touched your glass and how you glanced through the room. Then our gazes have met. We both felt this immense vibration….

The world stood still for a moment. We’ve met somewhere, our souls recognized each other, our hearts beaten faster and three words went through my mind..

Angel without wings

