Multi passionate and what now?

D's Dailys
2 min readFeb 9, 2021
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

We all read tons of posts that we all have a purpose in our life and that we have to follow our passion. I asked myself countless times how to combine all my passions. I firmly believe that everyone can learn everything. Sure, for some people some topics are easier to comprehend and others need more time, but everything is possible.

I’m a curious person and I love to learn new things. Sometimes I have the impression that I’m like a ball jumping from one interest to another. Often I have the feeling that there is something more interesting that what I’m currently studying or doing.

It results in that I’m a multi passionate person and I have different interests. I like to discuss with people about different things; I like to understand the relations between topics. The line between multi passionate, imposter syndrome and meta motivation is very thin. About imposter syndrome and meta motivation: I want to research more so I can give my opinion on it and if it adapts to me.

My dream life or goal was always to be smart, successful and intelligent. I enjoy really when I listen to people who are very eloquent, intelligent and spontaneous. My path was always to study hard, to get what others have and be like them. Then I have this problem that I can’t find this one passion to be as the others. I’m only for a short period interested in something, and then I search for something else. I experience that I really fast get bored; it isn’t challenging anymore, or I amn’t motivated anymore.

On one hand, I feel like I’m still searching for what will fulfill me 100%. I know that I’m passionate about different topics and that it’s fine to follow all my passions.

In my case I know that I’m interested in technology (AI and Machine Learning), psychology, communication, finance and writing.

I allow myself to be myself and I’m proud of myself that I’m capable of learning a lot of stuff in a short time, that I find always a topic to talk with the people and that I’m an excellent observer.

Let’s see what will be the following topics. What about you? Where lie your passions?

